Days rolled by and one fine day, Vinatha and Kadru were talking together and witnessed a ghandarva [angelic person] flying across the sky on a white horse. When he moved away, Kadru said Vinatha that the horse was white in color but the tail was black. In fact, it was not so. Vinatha responded to her and said, she too saw the horse and it wasn't having a black tail. The discussion turned into an argument and both entered into an agreement/bet. Kadru said, if the tail were not black she would become slave to Vinatha and so should Vinatha be to her if she fails. Vinatha agreed to it and started finding the ghandarva. In the mean time, Kadru called one of her children, snake to cover the tail part so that it might look like a black tail. The snake obeyed her mother and flew up and wound over the tail of the horse. When Vinatha and Kadru saw the Ghandarva on the same horse but with tail black in color, Kadru said, "I proved what I said, and You're my slave from today". Vinatha understood that the curse of her first son, Arunan became true.